5 Factors Influencing Kindergarten or Preschool Fees

Starting a family is a big step, and choosing the right childcare and education centre is crucial. The costs can quickly pile up, whether it is a daycare, kindergarten or preschool in Singapore. Here is a list of five factors influencing how much kindergarten, preschool, or childcare facilities can charge.

#1 Type of Facility

Choosing between a kindergarten, preschool or infant care facility affects the fees families in Singapore will pay. Kindergartens are more expensive than daycares since they offer more structured learning and play activities. Moreover, kindergartens may offer full-day or half-day programmes for children to attend. Consider your needs and budget when deciding on the appropriate facility.

#2 Location

Another significant factor that can influence the rate of childcare and kindergarten fees around Singapore is its location. Childcare centres in urban areas can be more expensive than in suburban areas. Additionally, facilities located in upscale neighbourhoods may have higher fees than those in more modest parts of the city.

#3 Child’s Age

The age at which a child enters the kindergarten or childcare centres affects the fees families in Singapore will pay for the facility. Infants and toddlers typically require more care and attention. Therefore, the fees for caring for them may be more expensive than for older children. Depending on the facility, the school fees may decrease as the child grows.

#4 Program Offerings

Kindergartens and childcare centres can charge various fees around Singapore depending on the range of programs they offer. It can include after-school programs, summer programs, and extracurricular activities. These programs may incur additional fees, so it is critical to consider whether they fit within your budget.

#5 Additional Services

Many childcare and preschool centres charge fees for additional services around Singapore. The charges you pay a facility can include meal plans, transportation, and extended hours. Consider whether you need these services and factor them into your budget.

E-Bridge Pre-school is the first EtonHouse preschool in Singapore created on the concept that education can alter the future. Early childhood education is a critical phase to help children reach their best potential. They aim to provide excellent early childhood education to help create the foundation of a happy and successful life. They believe it is the best present they can give to future generations. They foster early literacy behaviours like listening, speaking, reading, and writing through intentional resources and socially supported experiences in English and Mandarin. Visit E-Bridge Pre-school’s to learn more about the facility, its programmes and its services.